Samantha Lloyd

  • Professional Title: Clinical Psychologist
  • Qualifications: DClinPsy, PhD, MSc, BSc
  • Clinic location: The Practice Rooms, Queens Square, Bristol. E-Therapy (online)


Sam is a clinical psychologist and completed her clinical psychology doctoral training at the University of Bath in 2018. Since then, she has worked in the area of clinical health psychology, supporting young people, adults and families in the context of a range of physical health difficulties and the psychological impact of these.

Sam is chartered with the Health and Care Professionals Council (HCPC).

Areas of Specialist Experience

Sam has experience of working with clients experiencing a range of emotional difficulties, including anxiety, low mood, PTSD, stress and burnout, low self-esteem and shame. She has a special interest in supporting individuals who are experiencing health related emotional difficulties, such as adjusting to living with a diagnosis or physical symptoms, anxiety, low mood or treatment related trauma. Sam is experienced in working with trauma, adjustment to major life events, loss and bereavement.


Therapeutic Approach

Sam is a warm and compassionate therapist and strongly believes in the importance of a collaborative approach, which recognises the individual as an expert in their own life and experiences. She draws flexibly upon a range of evidence-based approaches including cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), compassion focused therapy and mindfulness, tailored to the individual and their needs. Her aim is to provide a space to work together to make sense of current difficulties and find helpful ways forward, which are in line with the individual’s values and what is important to them.